Vestido - O vestido é um presente recebido de Evhaa Donogal designer da loja Eclipse Mainstore, ela acaba de lançar sua marca, fui a loja e vi que tem roupas lindas entre 50 e 100 L$. Obrigado Evhaa.
Dress - The dress is a gift received from Evhaa Donogal designer shop Eclipse Mainstore, she has just launched its brand, went to the store and saw beautiful clothes that have between 50 and 100 L$. Thanks Evhaa.
Casaco/Coat FA Hunt Ricielli (diamante azul com coração pink/blue diamond with pink heart)
Sapato/Shoes free Angel Alphaville
Cabelo/Hair free Ali&Ali (caixa no chão/Box on the floor)
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